Behind every great judge is his or her law clerk. The value of a judicial clerkship is substantial. A key credential for future law practice in any area, judicial clerkships are an incredible life experience. A judicial clerkship offers a unique opportunity to glimpse behind the scenes of a judge's chambers and courtroom, to impact the law through the judge's decision-making and, ultimately, to gain a lifelong mentor!
Information and advice about judicial clerkships, as well as links to key court sites and judicial clerkship resources, culminating in the essential comprehensive handbook, Behind the Bench: The Guide to Judicial Clerkships! This site further features a Blog for students and judicial clerks to exchange information about applying for a judicial clerkship and to share their judicial clerkship experiences.
We also perform an important function as a centralized resource for judges and students in posting their resumes for possible judicial clerkship positions. DMS Consulting Resources, LLC offers services for law schools, such as site visits for clerkship presentations and one-on-one meetings with your students. If you have any comments or suggestions for things you would like to see included on this website to best fulfill your judicial clerkship needs, please feel free to contact us!